Grasp 16X9 Website 3.Rul Remote Campus Planetary Movement
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Planetary Movements and Design Activism


Modes of Activism and DIY design in the ‘new’ Social-Environmental Movements

  • Friday 27 September
    VIP-rummet, 13:30

How does action and organizational forms in the 'new environmental movements' differ from classical social movements?  

This “Mobile Campus” lecture investigates planetary movement’s extensive use of a wide range of design activist tools from visual design, performance design, and material forms of DIY design.  

We look into the differences, but also the similarities, between movements ranging from protests against deforestation/oil exploitation, Extinction Rebellion, DIY food production (e.g., permaculture), etc. 

The lecture also addresses differences conditioned by the geographic north/south context and the role that decolonial criticism plays in the organization and action forms of the planetary movements. 

“Planetary Movements and Design Activism” is part of a series called “Mobile Campus”, where RUC moves class lectures to new settings at GRASP. The goal is to foster knowledge sharing and cross-inspiration between GRASP participants, students, and lecturers. Join us and engage in current subjects taught and discussed at a university level.