Grasp Formater 3.Rul Corolab Workshop 018
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A Circular Denmark


Join us as we explore new concepts and methods for a more circular Denmark

  • Thursday 26 September
    Mellemrummet, 11:00

Denmark is only 4 percent circular, as determined by the Circularity Gap Report from 2023. 


As a contribution to advancing circular development, Corolab invites students, entrepreneurs, NGOs, company representatives, and other stakeholders to a workshop on how to develop circular concepts with some of Denmark's leading organizations. 


The scenario is: "What if Denmark was 100% circular?" The workshop provides insights into relevant testing environments, which are utilized as platforms for testing new solutions. 


Circular economic thinking fundamentally sets the stage for the major systemic changes ahead of us, but how has our conceptual framework impacted practice when we look back? And can we expect more than incremental improvements if we look forward? How far do we need to stretch to meet the future? 


You will gain insights into sustainable solutions from some of Denmark's leading organizations, have the opportunity to develop new collaborations, and leave with a better understanding of how you can increase circularity in your organization and in Denmark. 


The workshop is presented in collaboration with Corolab and strategic partners at COCONF24: Danske Bank, Clean, Roskilde Festival, and Danish Entrepreneurs. 


Read more about the different testing environments here