Den Grønne Omstillings Unge Stemmer
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The young voices of a green transition


Be inspired by the optimism of young entrepreneurs

  • Thursday 26 September
    Lille Orange, 11:45

What motivates young entrepreneurs? And how do you hold on to the belief that you can change and succeed when reality seems hopeless?  


This is what the Circular Laboratory asks three young entrepreneurs, who are each fighting in their own way to contribute to the sustainable future they dream of.  


The entrepreneurs have each prepared small 4-minute segments in which they speak from the heart. Afterwards, together we go a little closer and investigate how their big dreams come true.  


The three entrepreneurs are:  

  • Gry Møller Jørgensen - Bloom Burst Confetti 
  • Uffe Thomsen - Myco 
  • Anna Mika Damm Laursen – Ocean Wrap 


Join this talk and be inspired by the optimism of the youth - and who knows - maybe you yourself will be motivated to contribute to the green transition.  


Presented in collaboration with Det Cirkulære Laboratorium, Roskilde Festival Gruppen's test platform for young green entrepreneurs.