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Growing Hope


Growing Hope is a collaborative intervention together with human and non-human bodies, among them the students from Roskilde Festival Højskole (RoFH)

Marcella Arruda (BR), relationality researcher and permaculture designer, and Naiara Abrahão (BR/BE), architect and urban planner specialized in building energy renovation, propose a performative installation at GRASP 24’ built collectively based on Roskilde's biodiversity ecosystems.  

A bicycle route explores the varied landscapes of areas distant from urban concentrations. Farms, quarries, water treatment reserves, industrial productions, ecovillages, and agroforests are part of the expedition's itinerary.  

This journey collects images and plants to build, within the ROFH school's greenhouse, a vegetal tent, composed of textures, images and scenes from these material, sensitive and affective landscapes.  

Growing Hope cultivates possibilities of being-in-common in a shared temporality among human and non-human bodies, aiming to foster tangible utopias to emerge.  

Marcella Arruda and Naiara Abrahão build a fertile ground to practice hope as a verb, therefore, an action - esperançar, as the pedagogue Paulo Freire would put it.  

The installation offers a critical and analytical view, through poetry of the territory, juxtaposing the diverse impacts of the Anthropocene and actions of growing hope for possible futures. 

The collective performance will be recorded and posteriorly produce a video-manifesto sharing the desire for GRASP utopias to happen.  


Day 1: Collect 

On the first day, the students meet to understand the proposal of the workshop. It is recommended that the participants bring their bicycles. Right after, we will leave for a bicycle tour toward local agroecology grassroots initiatives in the surroundings, to an experiential learning activity, to understand more about the concept of permaculture. In this situation percourse for situatedness, the students will collect fragments from the landscape in multiple languages: vídeos, images, sounds, and vegetal seedlings that are found on the way.   


Day 2: Plant 

On the second day, the students will plant ideas for the future installation: they will plant the seedlings they collected into small pots, edit the video with the collected images, and test the possibilities of projection in the school's greenhouse. 


Day 3: Feed 

On the third day, the students will finalize the production of the intervention, besides be invited to nourish the idea of how they want to compose with the participatory performance on the GRASP. 


GRASP: Growing 

On the celebratory day during GRASP festival, the students will facilitate the participatory performance in the greenhouse "Grow Hope". The festival's public will be invited to engage with the human and non-human bodies in the installation through voice and gesture, vocalizing the hopes they want for the future, besides offering gestures of relationship and bringing home vegetal companions to grow. 

Experience an activation of the installation on Thursday, SEP 26. from 14:30-15:00.