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War at Child's Height


Hear about the Red Cross's cultural collaborations that inform and engage Danes in global humanitarian work

  • Thursday 26 September
    Cafescenen, 11:30

Art and culture speak to emotions and senses. Therefore, they are powerful tools for changing our understanding of global challenges. The Red Cross has embarked on a journey where the organization has successfully used cultural collaborations to reach and engage more Danes in global challenges. Together with Teatergrad, the play 'War at Child's Height' has initiated conversations among schoolchildren across the country and even encouraged the most reserved students to express their feelings about war and conflict.


Now you can learn the story behind it. The Red Cross and Teatergrad share their insights on how art and cultural partnerships can engage audiences that may be difficult to reach with traditional campaigns and projects. The panel consists of Morten Schwarz Lausten, Creative Director of the Red Cross in Denmark; Christine Worre Kann, Theater Director at the urban theater Teatergrad; and Birgit Bundesen, psychiatrist and founder of the Center for Art and Mental Health. The conversation is moderated by Janne Louise Andersen, Program Leader for Children, Youth, and Media at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Gain new perspectives and insights on how art can play a role in addressing difficult issues. Learn how to build successful cultural partnerships that can highlight global challenges far from the everyday lives of Danes. 


'War at Child's Height' is presented by OpEn – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Information and Engagement Fund, in collaboration with CISU – Civil Society in Development and the Roskilde Festival Group.